Blepharitis: A Quick Overview of This Eye Condition and Ways to Help Yourself

0243915001631726249.jpgBlepharitis is a fancy way of saying your eyelids are inflamed. It’s a common eye condition that comes with some irritating symptoms. Our optometrist loves providing exceptional eye care to all of Phoenix and when you suffer from blepharitis, it’s important to have a doctor you trust.

Most of the time blepharitis affects both eyes and symptoms can vary from person to person. That’s valuable information to know since this eye condition can lead to further problems if not managed appropriately.

Eye On Health is here for you and your family’s eye care needs. Let’s learn more about blepharitis and when it’s time to get an eye exam for it.

What Causes Blepharitis — and What Is It?

It occurs in two situations, both of which cause inflammation.

  1. When the tiny oil glands near our eyelashes get clogged 
  2. When you have too much bacteria on your skin

So this fun eye word — blepharitis — means you have inflammation in your eyelids. This particular eye condition usually affects both eyes and is often a chronic condition. [1] Although this condition is chronic, there are many ways to find relief from the annoying symptoms it causes.

We know that’s not the best news, but we can give you more good news. Most of the time blepharitis doesn’t cause severe damage to your vision and it’s not contagious. [1] Since the issue happens around your eyes and eyelashes, it doesn’t impact your vision as much as other eye problems.

Risk factors

You’re at a higher risk of getting blepharitis if you also have [2]:

  • Eye allergies
  • Oily Skin
  • Dandruff
  • Rosacea

You’ll notice a trend here — your skin has a lot to do with being at risk for blepharitis. Having oily skin, for example, can lead to an increased risk of clogged pores around your eyes and eyelashes — leading to symptoms of blepharitis.

If you have any of these conditions, Dr. Balocca wants to help your eyes feel more comfortable. Let’s learn more about symptoms and treatment for blepharitis.

Symptoms of Blepharitis and the Importance of Calling Your Phoenix Optometrist

Knowing if you have some or all of these symptoms is important in deciding when it’s time for an eye exam. Sometimes it’s about proper hygiene around the eyes, but other times you need a specific plan to help you manage this condition.

We wish this list wasn’t so long...

Common Symptoms of Blepharitis [2]:

  • Feeling like something’s in your eyes
  • Red or swollen eyes + eyelids
  • Crusty eyelids + lashes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Burning eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Blurry vision

0707035001631727980.jpgIf you recognize any of these classic signs, come see our optometrist here in Phoenix. A comprehensive eye exam pinpoints symptoms you may brush off as normal. If left untreated, blepharitis can lead to other uncomfortable eye complications, like a stye or chalazion. [2]

If you’re suffering from any of these eye symptoms, please call us at 480-809-0550 to schedule your checkup.

But we can treat blepharitis and keep its symptoms manageable, let’s dive in.

Treatment for Blepharitis

We’re sad to say there isn’t a “cure” for this eye condition. But there are many ways to find relief. Typically, “treatment” needs to be added into your daily routine because we’re dealing with the skin and eyelashes. Just like washing your face or brushing your teeth, you can practice these simple habits to keep blepharitis at bay.

Warm Compresses

It’s an easy way to help open up your oil glands and remove excess bacteria from your skin.

0317013001631725722.jpgThe American Optometric Association recommends these steps for warm compresses [3]:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Mix a small amount of non-irritating shampoo (like baby shampoo) or a commercially prepared eyelid scrub solution (recommended by your optometrist) with a small amount of warm water.
  3. Using a clean cloth, gently rub the solution back and forth across the eyelashes and the edge of your closed eyelid.
  4. Rinse with clean water from the sink.
  5. Repeat with the other eye, using a different clean cloth. 

A personal eye exam gives crucial insight to help you find relief from your specific case of blepharitis.


Routine Care for Eyelids, Hair, and Skin 

Regularly washing your hair, eyelashes, and face prevents excess bacteria from growing on your skin — and keeps your pores open. When the pores are open and clean there is less likely a chance for them to get clogged. Consider this our way of telling you to pamper yourself with a nice face wash every day! This keeps blepharitis at bay and lessens your symptoms.


Eye Drops

If your blepharitis causes dry eye symptoms, you may find relief from using over-the-counter eye drops. We recommend preservative-free eye drops, four times a day, for at least one week. 

Eye drops can help the gritty feeling in your eyes and may reduce other symptoms of dry eye. In some cases, your eye doctor might give you a medicated steroid eye drop to reduce redness or swelling.

The key takeaways from these forms of treatment are proper lid hygiene. This helps prevent your oil glands from getting clogged or removing excess bacteria from around your eyelids.


Suffering From Blepharitis? Come See Us At Eye On Health!

0761323001631726024.jpgVisiting our Phoenix optometrist is the biggest piece of advice we can give to help your blepharitis symptoms. An eye exam shows Dr. Balocca all the details he needs to get you back to comfort — and how best to manage your individual symptoms going forward.

He’s a caring eye doctor who loves serving his community and extends service to the good people of Avondale and Verrado. You shouldn’t have to suffer from eye irritation when we offer simple solutions that work. After your visit with us, you’ll be back enjoying the things that matter most to you.

Schedule an appointment today or give us a call at 480-809-0550 with any questions – we’re ready to help!





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